Sudoku is a game in which you place numbers in a puzzle
with constraints. For example, in the puzzle below you place the numbers 1 through 9 so no number is
repeated in a row, a column, or section. A section is one of the three-by-three subgrids outlined in black.
There are many variations, but the form below is common.
I decided to build a sudoku solver after reading Peter Norvig's
Solving Every Sudoku Puzzle. There's more about my solver on
- Fill in your known numbers or select one of the pre-defined puzzles from the list. (Actually,
you don't
have to fill anything in. The solver will "solve" an empty puzzle without complaint.
It's easy!)
- Click the "Solve" button.
- Savor your solution.
- The solver just solves the stupid puzzle. It doesn't share anything about its process. That is,
you don't
learn anything. It's
kind of cheating.
- If your puzzle is unsolvable, the solver won't tell you why. It just complains.
- If there's more than one solution, the solver stops after the first. It's lazy like that.
- The solver employs some very unattractive JavaScript. That isn't disappointing to everyone, but
bound to bother someone.